Give a Gift.
See where it goes.

When you give with Follow Your Donation, you can see what your money is being used for, where it goes and how it helps. Yes, really!

Where you can help:Urgent needs.
You can help.

Right now, we are supporting hungry children and families in Somalia. These gifts will make a significant difference to their lives - give as many as you like, and then wait to be updated on the impact they make.

The big question:So, how does Follow Your Donation actually work?

Press play and in 60 seconds we’ll show you! Or, if you’re the reader-type, scroll on down.

What to expect:See real change in four fast steps.

  • 1. You give

    Select which gift you want to send and where you want it to go - we'll get it underway ASAP and send you a confirmation message.

  • 2. We match

    We'll match your gift to someone in the country you selected.

  • 3. We update

    Lookout for an update that will confirm your gifts arrival and how it helped!

  • 4. You dive deeper

    Feeling good & want to know more? Click the link in the last message for good news stories!

Your donation breakdown.

We’ve made it our mission to lower fundraising and administration costs each year to maximize the impact of every donation.

  • 82.3%

    Field programs & advocacy work

  • 12%

    Helps raise next dollar

  • 5.7%

    Vital support & Accountability

This Chart is based on a five-year average of World Vision Canada's annual statement of total expenditures.

So, you've got questions?

  • Over 95 per cent of World Vision staff are local to the countries and communities they serve. A core World Vision value is "we value people". Employing local people is one of the ways we build a future that includes stronger communities.

  • World Vision is committed to transparency. We publish our impact and our financial details online.

  • We have been expecting you! Our teams in Somalia have already identified the most vulnerable people and have pre-registered people and places where it is needed most. When an individual or family receives their food delivery, the information about who received what and when is securely stored on our servers and shared with you as soon as possible.

  • Unfortunately, that’s not possible. Some of the children and families we work with live in extremely dangerous circumstances, so our policy is to never share their personal information like real names and locations. For their privacy and protection, we use pseudonyms in the updates we send to you. We hope you understand.

  • Not yet, but soon! This is a special experience you have participated in that we hope to expand soon. Follow Your Donation isn't available in other countries just yet. We’re learning from this experience to bring this to dozens of other places where World Vision workers also deliver food. World Vision delivers food to about 1,000 people a minute around the world. Stay tuned over the next few months for other countries that might need your help.

  • Thank you for making sure your donation made it! Before we dig into this can we ask if you made sure to tick the "send me updates on my donation" box? Because of valuable customer privacy rules and regulations, donors must opt in. If you still need help, please email us at